Got Lawn Care Questions?

Have you been looking for answers to organic lawn care questions that I haven’t answered on this site? How about any other aspects of organic lawn care?

My ears are always open! Leave a comment below and let me know, and I’ll certainly do my best to answer your question! In addition, this will allow me to improve the site for anyone else who might want to know the same thing as you!

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6 thoughts on “Got Lawn Care Questions?”

  1. Hi, we have so much trouble with our yard and don’t know where to start. Our yard is primarily a mixture of all weeds and hardly any healthy grass. I really don’t want to put down harmful chemicals as we have three children who play outside frequently. Should be tear up the existing yard and start again, and how? We don’t have much money to spend, so price is also a huge consideration. Our soil is not great, we haven’t had it tested in quite some time. Our neighbor just had his tested and they told him the soil was acidic but we have a huge outbreak of dandeloins right now. We were thinking of renting a rototiller and tearing up the whole thing. Where should we start? Thanks!

  2. We have lived in our home for 10 years in Maine. We have done nothing to care for our lawn other than mowing, but I think it needs a little TLC. We prefer organic methods. I’ve been hearing about aerating our lawn. Is this something you suggest?

    Stephanie in Maine

    1. @stephanie

      Aerating is terrific. Spreading a layer of compost on top of the lawn is also very helpful, if you can get compost locally for cheap from a municipal source.

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